Travemunde Ferry

Travemunde Passenger and Car Ferries

Travemunde passenger and car ferry ticket prices, timetables, ticket reservations and information for ferries sailing from Travemunde to Helsinki and Trelleborg.

Compare all available Travemunde ferry ticket prices in real time and book the cheapest available Travemunde car and passenger ferry tickets sailing to and from Travemunde, Helsinki and Trelleborg with Finnlines and TT Line Ferry ferries online with instant confirmation.

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Travemunde Ferries
Ticket Prices & Reservations

Book Travemunde Ferry Tickets
with Finnlines and TT Line Ferry for ferries sailing from Travemunde to Helsinki and Trelleborg online in advance to enjoy the cheapest available ferry ticket price.

The price you see is the price you pay. There are no hidden extras or surprises such as added fuel surcharges or booking fees and we do not charge you anything extra for paying with a Visa Electron card. The price we quote you for your selected Travemunde passenger or car ferry ticket, onboard accommodation and vehicle type is all you will pay, and that's a promise.

To obtain a Travemunde ferry ticket price and book your ferry ticket securely online please use the real time ferry booking form on the left. You are also able to add a hotel at your destination, or anywhere else, to your ferry ticket when completing your ferry ticket reservation.


More About Travemunde

Travemünde is a borough of Lübeck located at the mouth of river Trave into Lübeck Bay and is Germany's largest ferry port at the Baltic Sea with destinations to Sweden, Finland and Estonia.

Travemunde is also the North Sea gateway for Hamburg, lying 70 miles inland on the banks of the Elbe.

Originally Travemünde was a small fisher village but its position at the river Trave & the proximity to Lübeck let it grew to a smaller harbour town. Today tourism is the main source of employment and income. The old town maintained its sleepy character despite the fact that at weekends there are loads of tourists.

TT-line operates daily ferry trips between Travemünde and Trelleborg, Sweden. During the summer time and on public holidays the ferries are very well booked. Make sure you have a reservation.

Travemunde Ferry Port
Finnlines operates ferries to Helsinki, Finland around the year. The trip's duration is a little more than a day.

Several ferries and cargo ships travel to ports in the Baltic Sea and especially in the summer they are willing to take travellers on board.

Travemünde arose out of a stronghold placed here by Henry the Lion, Duke of Saxony, in the 12th century to guard the mouth of the Trave, and the Danes subsequently strengthened it. It became a town in 1317 and in 1329 passed into the possession of the free city of Lübeck, to which it has since belonged. Its fortifications were demolished in 1807. Travemünde is an old seaside resort (since 1802) and Germany's largest ferry port on the Baltic Sea with destinations to Sweden, Finland and other baltic countries.
Annually, some 1 million passengers pass through the Travemünde Skandinavienkai ferry terminal as the starting point or destination of their trip across the Baltic Sea. The terminal is also the contact point for a number of impressive cruise ships from all over the world.

More than just beach, sand and a seaside resort - Travemünde is just perfect for discoverers, researchers, adventurers and bon vivants for every age.

Travelers will find Travemunde to be a dynamic resort that has its beaches, golf courses, health spa, fishing, yachting, nightclubs and gambling. Other features of the town are the St. Lorenz Church-built in 1500s, the Old Lighthouse, the Oldest house -also constructed in the 1500s, the Passat, which is a sailing ship with four masts, and the yearly Sand World, which is a competition of sand sculptures.

The Travemunde Sailing Week is held around the end of July. It is the second largest sailing event in the world with around 3000 sailors from 16 countries taking part. There are fireworks and a family party in Brugmann Gardens. Sand World runs from the 2nd week in July until the beginning of September. This is a display of sand sculptures up to 15 metres high. There is a prom which you can cycle or walk along. The beach is dotted with the characteristic beach chairs, which offer plenty of wind cover.

Travemunde can also be reached by boat trip up to Trave River from Lubeck, by train or by bus numbers 30 and 31. The Happy Card is a good buy, for 5 euro for one day or 10 euros for three days, the price includes public transport throughout Lubeck and Travemunde and reduced entry to museums and on canal trips and city tours.

Things to See & Do

* The Passat
* Travemunde beaches
* Old Lighthouse
* "Oldest House"
* Trave river cruise to Lubeck.

The Tourist Welcome Center is located inside Travemünde's railway station "Strandbahnhof". Here you find everything needed for a memorable stay in this coastal resort:

Lübeck und Travemünde Marketing GmbH
Bertlingstr. 21
D-23570 Lübeck-Travemünde
phone: +49 (0)451/ 88 99 700


Best available Travemunde ferry ticket price guarantee

Best Travemunde Ferry Ticket Price Guarantee

Best Price Guarantee - We always offer you our lowest available Finnlines and TT Line Ferry passenger and car ferries ticket price to and from Travemunde. There are no hidden extras or surprises such as added fuel surcharges or booking fees and we also we do not charge you anything extra for paying with a Visa Electron card. The price we quote for your selected Travemunde ferry ticket, onboard accommodation and vehicle type is all you will pay, and that's a promise!

In the unlikely event you find the same all inclusive Travemunde ferry ticket cheaper in the brochure of any other tour operator we promise that we will do our best to beat that price or offer you the choice of requesting a refund. To book Travemunde car and passenger ferry tickets please click here.


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